2020 Shredding Events at the Washington County MN Environmental Center

6 boxes weighing no more than 30 lbs each. These events are free and open to residents and businesses.
- Do not put paper documents in plastic bags: Use boxes or paper bags. Totes and reusable bags will be returned.
- Staples, paper clips, and rubber bands do not have to be removed. However, please remove 3-ring binders, large binder clips, plastics, or metals.
- Do not tape boxes shut as it slows down the process.
- Do not mix confidential paper with items that do not require shredding such as newspapers or magazines.
Environmental Center
4039 Cottage Grove Drive
Woodbury, MN
8:00 am to 4:30 pm on the following dates:
April 15
June 10
July 29
September 23
November 4
Complimentary information provided to you by John and Becky Durham of Durham Executive Group. Walking our clients through the process of buying and selling is one of our specialties. Start your declutter now by taking advantage of these great Washington County MN shredding events! We are continually offering a variety of classes to educate the community on many topics in real estate. Please join us by visiting our FREE 2020 events here!
Email Us Today: john@durhamexecutivegroup.com
Website: www.durhamexecutivegroup.com
Phone: (651) 231-2191
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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DurhamExecutiveGroup/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/group_durham
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