Madison’s Place Playground is a special place, especially for kids with disabilities or limited mobility.
It’s the Twin Cities’ first handicapped-accessible playground. Madison’s Place is wheel chair friendly, reaching beyond the limits of traditional playgrounds, with ramps, sensory play, and fun in the outdoors. Madison’s Place is a playground for all abilities, fostering friendships, understanding and acceptance. Children without physical limitations also love playing here, and parents with physical limitations have a place where they can play with their kids, too! The adjacent splash pad is also wheelchair friendly and open to everyone of all abilities.
Cost: FREE! Madison’s Place is a Woodbury City Park and open to any and all who wish to have some fun and enjoy the outdoors. There is plenty of parking at HealthEast Sports Center.
Madison’s Place became a reality due to the diligent effort of the parents of Madison Claire, a little girl who made a big impact in her short life. Madison’s Place was built in her honor, with funds raised by the Madison Claire Foundation.
How Accesible Playgrounds Build Communities: The Madison Claire Foundation Mission
The Madison Claire Foundation is partnering with community leaders to build Madison’s Place, the East Metro’s (Minneapolis/Saint Paul) first “inclusive playground” – a completely handicapped accessible playground where children with and without disabilities can play together side by side, fostering friendships, understanding and acceptance.
John and Becky Durham are top selling Woodbury, MN realtors. Woodbury is nationally recognized as one of the best cities in the nation in which to live and raise a family. If you are considering buying or selling a home in Woodbury, contact them today!
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