River Falls WI Home Values Exploded from October 2020 thru October 2021.
River Falls WI home owners who took advantage of the housing inventory shortage walked away from the closing table with significant net proceeds because of home appreciation. Let’s look at the rolling twelve months from October of 2020 through October 2021 illustrating the appreciation during this time frame.

Click on video below regarding River Falls WI’s housing market data below:
River Falls WI Home Values
River Falls WI Home Values Exploded from October 2020 thru October 2021. River Falls WI home owners who took advantage of the housing inventory shortage walked away from the closing table with significant net proceeds because of home appreciation. Let’s look at the rolling twelve months from October of 2020 through October 2021 illustrating the appreciation during this time frame.
John and Becky Durham of the Durham Executive Group and RE/MAX Results are a husband and wife real estate team with 40+ years of combined experience licensed in both WI & MN. Their educational and unique real estate work experiences separate them beyond other Realtors. John is a trainer/consultant, and has received additional training as a licensed real estate Broker in both states. They have received unique marketing training as Certified Luxury Home Marketing Specialists (CLHMS). John and Becky have been recognized and received rare national top 1% marketing awards for the marketing of their client homes from prestigious organizations such as Realtor.com, and Trulia/Zillow. Becky has 30-years of Counseling experience combined simultaneously with 20-years as a Realtor including that as a SRES (Senior Real Estate Specialist) working with those 55+ of age. She is recognized nationally throughout the real estate industry as the Corporate Training Manager for the largest RE/MAX franchise in the world (RE/MAX Results) training 1,400+ Realtors throughout WI & MN.
*It is important for home sellers to understand John & Becky provide award winning marketing expertise to ‘every home owner client regardless of price point.’

Email Us Today: john@durhamexecutivegroup.com or becky@durhamexecutivegroup.com
Website: www.durhamexecutivegroup.com
Phone: (651) 231-2191
Follow Us! Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DurhamExecutiveGroup/
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